Stay ahead in local search with SEO Proximity’s updated strategy!

SEO-Proximity offers a free site assessment service to assess the effectiveness of any website for free. A website audit provides invaluable feedback regarding effectiveness, usability and design features, as well as helpful suggestions and insightful critiques.

Free Site Assessment

Increase Performance, Effectiveness, and Productivity

Search engine optimization uses proximity as a key strategy to increase performance, effectiveness, and productivity. By considering the geographic proximity of a target audience when planning an SEO strategy, companies can maximize the impact of their approach while reaching more of their target audience at the optimal time and place. Conversion rates increase accordingly, and ROI soars!

What Your Free Site Assessment Include

Your Guided Assessment Will Cover the Following:

  • Analysis against your top 3 competitors
  • Keyword Rankings
  • On-Page Optimization
  • Off-Page Optimization
  • Content
  • SEO
  • Digital Advertising
  • Site Security & Speed
  • User-Experience
  • Revenue & Lead Potential

What Should a Free Site Assessment Include?

Assess Website Effectiveness:

» Loading Speed and Duration: This step uses Google Page Speed Insights to assess how quickly your website loads on different hardware speeds and connections.

» Mobile-Friendliness: How user-friendly is your website on a tablet or smartphone? Ensuring it meets this criterion will guarantee the optimal experience on all platforms.

Search Engine Optimization Check Up:

» Keyword Check: Which words and phrases are visitors searching for on your site?

» On-page SEO: Make sure that titles, headings and image descriptions are optimized for search engines.

» Technical SEO: Verify that all code, sitemaps and other technical SEO components follow best practices.

Design and Usability:

» User Experience (UX) Design: How user-friendly is your website, and does the design make sense?

» Creative style: Does the imagery, colors, and fonts match your brand identity?

Content Rating:

» Quality and Relevance: Do readers find your article content appealing and useful?

» Content Organization: Does your information flow smoothly and make sense to readers?

Security and Speed Review:

» Securing Your Website through SSL Certification: An SSL certificate can have an immediate and substantial effect on search engine rankings and security for any website.

» Security Review:  Should there be any vulnerabilities, such as outdated software or plugins, that must be addressed immediately?

Conversion Optimization and CTA Rating:

» Call To Action: How effective is your call to action at encouraging visitors to take an actionable step?

» User Experience: Where are visitors typically leaving our website and what can we do to increase its effectiveness as a conversion path?

Free Site Assessment

Why Not Get Your Free Site Assessment ?

  • Save Money: By forgoing professional advice upfront, you can save money.
  • Enhance user experience: Make your website more user-friendly and encourage visitors to linger on it longer.
  • Improve SEO: By correcting SEO issues on your website, you can boost its search engine rankings, inbound links, and overall, SEO performance.
  • Strengthen Security: By patching security vulnerabilities on your website, you can ensure user data remains safe.
  • Increase Conversion Rate: -Convert more visitors into buyers by optimizing content and design.
  • Stay Ahead of Competition: Optimizing your website can give your company an edge over rival business.

Who May Qualify for a Free site Assessment?

  • Small Businesses: – Establish an online presence to compete with larger firms.
  • E-commerce Website: E-commerce websites can boost sales by improving user conversion rates and site speed.
  • Content Websites and Blogs:-Attract more visitors and hold onto them longer. Improve SEO and UI effectiveness.
  • Corporate Website: For best results, offer an attractive corporate website featuring educational materials for customers and partners alike.
  • Nonprofit: Increase community membership and funder engagement more effectively.

Final Thoughts :

A free site assessment can help to optimize your internet presence by looking at security, design, speed and SEO optimization – every aspect should be examined to maximize success online.

Security and Design Optimizations: Offers invaluable insights that can lead to increased online success for an eCommerce store, blog, small business or charity website. With our free site assessment service, you can ensure online success for your eCommerce storefront, blog site, small business website or charity!